Thursday, December 20, 2012


I used alot of tools doing this. I had to use the graidant tool when was one of the eaisest ones to use. the hardest tool I had to use was when I had to find the pathfinder tool because I forgot how to use it. I also used the rectangle/elispe tool to to make most of the rest of the things. I used the path tool to make the ring on the outside of the bomb. This was a hard project but it was fun.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

B&B Soda's Logo

This logo is a professional kind of logo. I choose a professional style logo to make it look appealing to a multitude of people want to spectate the items. The easiest part of this logo was to find an idea and sketch it on paper. The hardest part of this step was to find the right fonts and arrangement of the letters. Overall I like this logo that's why  I choose it in the first place and the logo I have made in illustrator turned out the way I like it.